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Land Reforms in India (Short Notes) | UPSC – IAS
Effects of Liberalization on the Indian Economy | UPSC – IAS
Buddhism | Origin, History, Spread, & Facts | UPSC
Hinduism | Origin, History, Beliefs, & Facts | UPSC
Effects of globalization on Indian Society | UPSC – IAS
Stagnation and Deterioration of Agriculture | UPSC IAS
Economic Impact of British Rule in India | NCERT – UPSC – IAS
Ruin of Artisans and Craftsmen: Causes & impact | UPSC
Ruin of Old Zamindars and Rise of New Landlord-ism | UPSC – IAS
Impoverishment of the Peasantry | Analysis and Conclusion | UPSC
Why Grand Delhi Durbars were organized ? | UPSC – IAS
Secularism in India – Features, Impact and Problems | UPSC – IAS
Why Dr BR Ambedkar is called ‘Modern manu’ ?
Nehru Report, Delhi Proposals and Jinnah’s Fourteen Demands | UPSC
Wavell Plan | Breakdown Plan 1945 & Shimla Conference | UPSC
Mountbatten or 3rd June Plan | Dickie Bird | Ismay | Balkan | UPSC – IAS
Wood’s Despatch of 1854 or Magna-Carta of English Education
About the White Revolution or Operation Flood in India | UPSC – IAS
Blue revolution in india its features, objectives and outcomes | UPSC – IAS
Green Revolution its Socio economic and Ecological Implications | UPSC – IAS
Goals and Outcomes of the American Revolution, 1776 | UPSC – IAS
All About Industrial Revolution | UPSC
Why industrial revolution started in england or Britain | UPSC – IAS
Buddhism | Origin, History and Facts
Decline of Buddhism
Hinduism | Origin, History and Facts
Islam | Origin, History and Facts