Committee Recommendations to Tackle Caste Discrimination in Schools

Caste Pride in Schools: A Persistent Issue

The display of caste pride among schoolchildren in Tamil Nadu has led to violent incidents, such as the recent assault on SC siblings by their dominant community schoolmates. The Justice K. Chandru Committee has been tasked with addressing this issue and has made a series of recommendations to the State government.

Recommendations to Address Caste Identities

The committee has recommended that students be prohibited from wearing coloured wristbands, rings, or forehead marks that serve as caste identities. Additionally, students are advised to refrain from using bicycles that have any caste references painted on them. School names are also not to bear any caste appellation, and the caste confidentiality of pupils must be maintained.

For example, the government had previously dropped caste, community, and leader names from transport corporations and districts to address caste clashes in the past. This shows a historical precedent for addressing caste identities in public spaces.

The Role of Social Justice Monitoring Committee

The committee has recommended the establishment of a Social Justice Monitoring Committee comprising academicians and social activists. This committee would review curriculum related to social issues and suggest modifications to include topics on social justice, equality, and non-discrimination.

The suggestion to revise the syllabuses for B.Ed and Diploma in Elementary Education to promote inclusivity is another positive step recommended by the committee.

Concerns and Caution

While some recommendations are welcomed, there are concerns about others. The proposal to do away with noon meal kitchens in schools and establish centralised kitchens may mask the caste identity of cooks but may not address underlying discrimination. Depriving children of hot and fresh food from central kitchens could also present practical difficulties.

Additionally, the suggestion to establish a Social Justice Students Force operating independently of the union government raises concerns about the need for such a force when existing organizations like NCC, Scouts and Guides, and NSS already provide similar opportunities for students.

Addressing Caste Discrimination at the Grassroots Level

It is crucial for the government to address discrimination that begins at the village level, where caste-identifiable colors are prevalent in everyday surroundings. The prevalence of caste-based political outfits has only perpetuated caste divisions among schoolchildren, making efforts to establish harmony on campuses challenging.

Ultimately, there needs to be a transformation at the grassroots level and political will to transcend caste considerations in order to effectively address caste pride and discrimination among school students in Tamil Nadu.


The overt display of caste pride among schoolchildren in Tamil Nadu has resulted in violence and discrimination. The recommendations made by the Justice K. Chandru Committee aim to address this issue and promote harmony among students.


– Prohibition of caste symbols such as coloured wristbands, rings, and forehead marks
– Removal of caste references from school names and bicycles
– Appointment of a Social Justice Monitoring Committee
– Revision of curriculum to include social justice topics
– Suggestions for inclusivity in teacher education syllabuses


The objectives of the recommendations include promoting equality, eliminating caste discrimination, and fostering a harmonious environment for students in schools.


– Prevention of caste-based violence among schoolchildren
– Promotion of social justice and equality in education
– Establishment of a more inclusive and harmonious school environment
– Potential reduction in caste-related discrimination and conflicts


– Promotion of equality and inclusivity in education
– Prevention of caste-based discrimination and violence
– Establishment of a harmonious school environment for all students


– Practical difficulties in implementing some recommendations, such as centralised noon meal kitchens
– Potential challenges in establishing a uniformed Social Justice Students Force
– Resistance or backlash from groups or individuals who benefit from caste-based identities or discrimination

Brief Summary | UPSC – IAS

In Tamil Nadu, caste pride among schoolchildren has led to violence, prompting the Justice K. Chandru Committee to recommend banning caste identifiers like wristbands and tilakas. The committee also suggests changes to school names, curriculum, and the establishment of a Social Justice Monitoring Committee. However, the recommendation to centralized school kitchens is controversial, as it may not address discrimination. The proposal for a Social Justice Students Force and addressing discrimination in children’s environments is also debated. Ultimately, overcoming caste discrimination in schools requires political will and transformation at the village level to have a lasting impact.

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